Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

PhD Scholarships from the IT University of Copenhagen (ITU), Denmark

The IT University of Copenhagen (ITU) invites applications for a number of PhD scholarships that focus on one or more of the research areas below and starting in February 2011.

Field of Study

  • Efficient solutions to computationally hard problems, algorithms for searching and analyzing of large amounts of data, databases and data mining, sensor networks and data management, algorithm engineering, experimental performance studies.
  • Automated reasoning, categorical logic, type theory, coordination languages, electronic voting, logical frameworks, models for concurrency, distributed and mobile computation, programming languages semantics, modular program verification, programming languages, static analysis of programming and modelling languages, workflow languages.
  • Tools, methods and processes for software development, including programming and modelling languages, requirements, architecture, empirical studies, and software for user interface design, pervasive computing and decision support.
  • Game aesthetics, game ontology, games and narratives, game culture, game play, player communities, games and human computer interfaces/game testing, game artificial intelligence, player (cognitive and affective) modeling, computational intelligence and games.
  • Computer supported cooperative work, science and technology studies, health care IT, organizations and IT, globalization and technology, mutual shaping of culture, organizations, people, and technologies, through practices of design and use.
  • Advanced and innovative communication trends, design and development of interactive technologies for senior citizens, methods of pragmatic inclusive design, user modeling, design and evaluation of assistive technology-user interface history, emerging body-centric and perception-centric techniques for human-computer interaction based on mobile tracking of eye-gaze, body posture, hand gestures, and everyday object manipulation and society.
  • Study of digital culture, digital media, mediated interpersonal communication and the way we use a variety of digital media in our everyday lives for social, practical and expressive purposes.
  • The study of mobile communication and online media's social consequences, in both national and international contexts, addressing the interplay of local and global phenomena.

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

2 PhD Scholarships in Artificial Intelligence and Bridge Engineering

Scholarship Description

Two PhD scholarships are being funded by a research project, which aims to develop a reliable bridge deterioration model by employing Artificial Intelligence (AI) based techniques, i.e. Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) and Case-based Reasoning (CBR), which utilise usable historical bridge condition ratings and computer generated scenarios. The outcome of this project will help bridge authorities to effectively plan maintenance strategies for obtaining the maximum benefit with limited funds, and contribute to the establishment of reliable long-term bridge maintenance strategies for any given bridge network. Applicants should provide their Curriculum Vitae, academic record, an outline of their career interests, and the names and contact details of three academic referees.

Reference Number: 4920
Study Subject: Artificial Intelligence and Bridge Engineering
Provided By: Griffith University
Level: Post Graduate (Research)


This scholarship is offered once only to 2 people. Open for applications until July 16, 2010.

Payment Information

The value of this scholarship is AUD27222 (per annum). This award is to be used for living expenses. This scholarship is paid fortnightly for the period of 3 years.

Research Information

This scholarship is for one of the following fields of research: ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY.


This scholarship requires you to have achieved Honours 2a or equivalent. Only citizens of Australia or New Zealand or permanent residents can apply.

Application Details

To apply for this scholarship you must apply direct to faculty. Terms and conditions are subject to change. Always confirm details with scholarship provider before applying.

Main Contact
AProf Michael Blumenstein
Phone: (07) 5552 8271
Email: m.blumenstein@griffith.edu.au
Griffith School of Engineering
Griffith University
Gold Coast Campus
QLD, Australia